Saturday, December 4, 2010

\/\/|-|/-\T |F?

Sometimes, When I look back at my life I feel that are everything falling in place or should there have been something else?
I know this question haunt everyone at one or some other point and people tend to rethink about everything that happens to them and try to evaluate that what they did was right or not.Ya, I am talking about the most uncertain thing in life "WHAT IF?"
What if I would have done this or what if I wold not have done this and then we start to regret everything in life.
Truly speaking if you are someone who is very positive about life, you will think that what if i would have taken the alternate way or the other road of the diversion, that might have proved more fatal.
I won't say that I never look back at life and want to change many of things that I have done but ya I then feel that my present worth of life is worth that opportunity cost. We are always meant to make choices and we are hence meant to pay an opportunity cost for it. The opportunity cost may prove to be high or low in short run but you can never justify that whatever impact it made to your life is right or wrong.
We always have a trade-off in life, be it Time Vs. Money, be it Fun Vs. Peace or be it Family Vs. Freedom .People do run away from one or the other always to get other. One comes at the cost of the other.
Life throws many questions at me and I am pretty sure it must have been throwing at everyone of you regarding anything and everything in life like your choice of study, choice of job, choice of relationships or be it anything. I think what if I would have opted for a job after rather than pursuing MBA, what if I would have joined some other course after my 10th or 12th,what if I would have born in some metro city and many more but who knows things would have been much worse than what they are today and then I come back to my real world, my beautiful world and try to make it more beautiful with everything I have. I start loving me back with more enthusiasm and appreciate myself for every decision that I took in my life which not only helps me to love my life but also boost my confidence in my future and of course in my decision making.
Just want to close by saying that Never regret anything in life that made you smile even for a second in your life. Look back only for good memories. Don't make you life a project that have a cost-benefit analysis.
Keep smiling!! Keep Laughing!! and ya..Keep Living!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Grand Disaster!!

Grand Disaster Alias Group Discussion!!

Don'ts of participating in a GD:

  • Listen to the subject carefully
  • Put down your thoughts on a paper as your chance of initiating can be grabbed by some other member
  • Listen to others no matter what
  • Make short contribution rather keep dominating the discussion with anything irrelevant and playing around the same content.
  • Give others a chance to speak
  • Speak politely and pleasantly rather behave as much aggressive as you can

Do's of participating in a Group Discussion

  • Initiate the discussion even if you do not have sufficient knowledge about the given topic but have the potential to blabber
  • Over speak, intervene and snatch other’s chance to speak.
  • Argue and shout during the GD infact shout at your maximum pitch. Nothing can be done if you are soft-spoken.
  • Look at a particular group member and make it a one-to-one conversation.
  • Talk irrelevant things and distract the discussion
  • Mention any statistics just to show your interest in numbers.
  • Try to dominate the discussion
  • Put others in an awkward situation by cross questioning them and asking others to substantiate your points
  • Summarize the GD by not what the group consensus is but what you thought to be right.
Ohh...Hold on..Hold on..I know you must have observed that I have committed some error, Do's and Don'ts are interchanged and you must be thinking that the writer has done a typo ( typing error).Huh.well no, that is not a typo rather it is my experience that made me write so and infact think so. The tips and tricks of cracking a GD that are taught to us fails and sounds to be so theoretical when you actually experience it. The truth in practicality is that its always the aggression, the loud voice, the urge to snatch other's chance and to cut their ideas and thoughts will take you to the next stage.

Well, I haven't mastered these skills yet and i even don't have hope to master them. I have failed in 5 GD's and i think the number will increase at the exponential rate. Don't think that i have lost the positivity and hope in me.

I"ll still say.

Phatela jeb sil jaayega, jo chaahega mil jaayega T(M)ere bhi din aayenge chhote, achcha khaasa hil jaanyega Rukne ka nahin, thakne ka nahin, life mein chalte rehne ka..mera no. bhi aaega..:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010


With the all uncertainties happening in life at the same time, i pondered over some issues and thought to write it down.

Was just pondering over the caliber each one of us have. People tend to feel inferior, undeserving during their rough phase. Truly speaking no one can ever make you feel inferior and undeserving without your consent. Its in you, its in me, its in everyone that makes us feel what we are. It is not the world who can make us feel our worth without our consent. Self-motivation is the key to your success and happiness.

People fear moving ahead in the life because of some or the other dilemma they face in their life. People tend to blame the outer world for creating such dilemma for them but if we think hard we can interpret that it is not the external situations that create these hardships but it is in you and your thoughts that causes such issues. Never forget the word "CONSENT". Its in you who will make you superior or inferior, strong or weak, positive or negative.

Feel good about yourself, have a gratitude towards what you have. Though outer world play some role in shaping up your life but ultimately its you who leads the life. I know we always try to lead our life but find that it is the life that leads us. It doesn't mean that we should give up but should keep trying until we succeed. I know these words are only good to sound but are hard to implement. I am going through such rough phase and is trying hard to implement and want everyone to maintain their cool in their rough phase.
Its in us, our thoughts and our ATTITUDE that shapes our lives and help us to keep moving forward no matter what is destined for us.
Be happy,be calm and Keep flying!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


A person carrying negativism in her blood is talking about positivity.
People tell i am " B Positive" but are they really positive about life.

I am " O Negative" and i can proudly say that being positive in an environment full of negative and weak people is my strength. Those were the days of my graduation times when i used to think what would i reply to my interviewer if he/she asks "what are your strengths and weaknesses?" and now are the days when i have learnt about my biggest strength of being positive in life and keep moving forward. No matter how weak the situation is try to look for the strengths in you rather than blaming the external conditions.

You must be wondering why i am in a lecturing mode today. I don't know what MBA has taught to people but to me it has the taught the lesson of being positive and maintaining your cool in the adverse situations. The placement season has begun for the high scorers and will began for me very soon. I have taken this very positively while i have seen people getting broken on a shortlist of just a single company. We all need to grow. A company's shortlist may disappoint you but there are other companies who think you are worth even you have not proven a 10/10 in the academics.

Positivity with patience always pays off. The way to success is easy for some and difficult for others but it is OPEN TO ALL. So keep you calm, hold yourself, enhance your strengths and knowledge and just be ready to kick off whenever you get the opportunity. Don't think about the lost opportunities rather think about the future prospects. This strengths are not inherited when you are born but yes they do reflect about the people you are surrounded with. I really feel lucky to have great parents who had never pressurized me to perform and thus helped me to grow with a feeling that nothing can end your world. If we believe we can. Everything happens for some reason. If you don't get it now with ease you will surely get it later in your life.

Let me tell about my profile. A MBA in finance, fresher, no great percentage to boast about, not a great communicator but i have the positive attitude, analytical thinking, patience and my motivational parents and i know i will succeed very soon and will update you all about it.

Just remember everything passes by no matter how good or bad it is.
So live Life with a smile. Don't forget your smile makes your family and dear ones smile.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Andy to Red: "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies" in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption".

I have fallen in love with this dialogue. Infat this is not just a dialogue but its reality . Hope can make you lively, optimistic and enthusiastic. Hope should never die as it helps you to achieve things which says that they are "impossible". There is a hope that helps you to move on in life. Life goes on with hope of achieving something, hope of being happy and making people around happy, hope of meeting the special someone and being with him/her forever, hope to recover from any disease, hope of being successful, being free and independent. Life is a broken-winged bird without hope. There is light at the end of every tunnel. The tunnel here is life and the light is hope which shows you the path to move forward. The only mantra to Life is "hope". It is the engine that drives the vehicle called life. It is the soul of living life. So, we should never give up the hope to move forward in life. Things may get delayed but it will surely happen if you have hope in it and faith in yourself. It will help you to cross the unseen bridges. Everything in life is temporary and so is the bad situation. So always keep the hope alive and this hope will do everything to keep you alive in real sense.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

M!$$ U BRO!!

hmmmm...what a end of the day. Raksha Bandhan was never that sad.

I am paying the opportunity cost for my high aspirations, infact everyone is. With the fast moving world, we get so preoccupied with ourselves, our study, our job and *our* life and thus we are missing onto those special days and special people in our lives which we used to wait for during our childhood days. We now do wait eagerly for Valentines day but we don't for our own cultural festivals.

I remember waiting for every festival with so much of enthusiasm and so for the Raksha Bandhan, the day meant for getting loads of gifts. Well that was the innocent times, but now i realize the true essence of the eve when i am miles away from my sweet brother. I am missing you bhaia. I am missing teasing you, fighting with you even to have a ice-cream, demanding for gifts and chocolates, studying from you( though i didn't like it at that point of time but i seriously need it now and can't just forget those days of my boards and your efforts which helped me to get some decent scores), cooking for you at a later stage (previously it was you who used to cook for me in mom's absence), sitting on the bicycle with you, spending time( sometimes arguing)with you, your guidance, your strictness though i never followed it, your gratitude towards our lovely parents, your support and everything. You are an inspiration to me. I still remember the time when you were the first one to hear to my cries and motivating me to take those challenges.No one can ever replace the care and love you have for me. Its been a year that we have seen each other but these memories bring tears in my eyes and then my eyes blink with a hope of seeing you in near future.

May your life be filled with lots of happiness, good health, success and you live a prosperous life with a beautiful lady and sweet children.:P
Take care Brother. You are the bestest brother that anyone can dream of. You are like a second mother to me. Love you. Miss you.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Ooh lala la!!I am really happy today because of many reasons.
Maybe because I got an extended weekend or maybe i got some pleasant surprises like a call from my darling friend. Looking at the past is lovely yet sad, joyful yet a little low. Oh i miss my old times a lot. The innocence, the silly fights, the attitude of not hurting other and caring overly about it, the craziness about getting clicked rather being on the other side, the madness of dancing non-stop in those DJ nights during fest, the weekend trips, spending time in canteen together and having those samosa, pulling each other's leg, discussing about the love life(doesn't matter whosoever it was) and commenting on it, late night chats, fighting over the last spoon of maggi and what not. These things are making me nostalgic and i am sure it would be making you too. These things make us realize of a beautiful life yesterday which passed so comfortably with the lovely (sometimes they do get devilish :P) friends. I miss them a lot who used to change my facial expression from :-( to :-). My four years of graduation was much way easier than these two years of killing post graduation with the best of best friends.
Love you all. Thanks for making me a part of your life. :))))))