Thursday, December 2, 2010

Grand Disaster!!

Grand Disaster Alias Group Discussion!!

Don'ts of participating in a GD:

  • Listen to the subject carefully
  • Put down your thoughts on a paper as your chance of initiating can be grabbed by some other member
  • Listen to others no matter what
  • Make short contribution rather keep dominating the discussion with anything irrelevant and playing around the same content.
  • Give others a chance to speak
  • Speak politely and pleasantly rather behave as much aggressive as you can

Do's of participating in a Group Discussion

  • Initiate the discussion even if you do not have sufficient knowledge about the given topic but have the potential to blabber
  • Over speak, intervene and snatch other’s chance to speak.
  • Argue and shout during the GD infact shout at your maximum pitch. Nothing can be done if you are soft-spoken.
  • Look at a particular group member and make it a one-to-one conversation.
  • Talk irrelevant things and distract the discussion
  • Mention any statistics just to show your interest in numbers.
  • Try to dominate the discussion
  • Put others in an awkward situation by cross questioning them and asking others to substantiate your points
  • Summarize the GD by not what the group consensus is but what you thought to be right.
Ohh...Hold on..Hold on..I know you must have observed that I have committed some error, Do's and Don'ts are interchanged and you must be thinking that the writer has done a typo ( typing error).Huh.well no, that is not a typo rather it is my experience that made me write so and infact think so. The tips and tricks of cracking a GD that are taught to us fails and sounds to be so theoretical when you actually experience it. The truth in practicality is that its always the aggression, the loud voice, the urge to snatch other's chance and to cut their ideas and thoughts will take you to the next stage.

Well, I haven't mastered these skills yet and i even don't have hope to master them. I have failed in 5 GD's and i think the number will increase at the exponential rate. Don't think that i have lost the positivity and hope in me.

I"ll still say.

Phatela jeb sil jaayega, jo chaahega mil jaayega T(M)ere bhi din aayenge chhote, achcha khaasa hil jaanyega Rukne ka nahin, thakne ka nahin, life mein chalte rehne ka..mera no. bhi aaega..:)

1 comment:

  1. That's the attitude girl. Stay positive and stay confident. Indeed, rukne ka nai, thakne ka nai, life mein chalte rehne ka :)
