Saturday, December 4, 2010

\/\/|-|/-\T |F?

Sometimes, When I look back at my life I feel that are everything falling in place or should there have been something else?
I know this question haunt everyone at one or some other point and people tend to rethink about everything that happens to them and try to evaluate that what they did was right or not.Ya, I am talking about the most uncertain thing in life "WHAT IF?"
What if I would have done this or what if I wold not have done this and then we start to regret everything in life.
Truly speaking if you are someone who is very positive about life, you will think that what if i would have taken the alternate way or the other road of the diversion, that might have proved more fatal.
I won't say that I never look back at life and want to change many of things that I have done but ya I then feel that my present worth of life is worth that opportunity cost. We are always meant to make choices and we are hence meant to pay an opportunity cost for it. The opportunity cost may prove to be high or low in short run but you can never justify that whatever impact it made to your life is right or wrong.
We always have a trade-off in life, be it Time Vs. Money, be it Fun Vs. Peace or be it Family Vs. Freedom .People do run away from one or the other always to get other. One comes at the cost of the other.
Life throws many questions at me and I am pretty sure it must have been throwing at everyone of you regarding anything and everything in life like your choice of study, choice of job, choice of relationships or be it anything. I think what if I would have opted for a job after rather than pursuing MBA, what if I would have joined some other course after my 10th or 12th,what if I would have born in some metro city and many more but who knows things would have been much worse than what they are today and then I come back to my real world, my beautiful world and try to make it more beautiful with everything I have. I start loving me back with more enthusiasm and appreciate myself for every decision that I took in my life which not only helps me to love my life but also boost my confidence in my future and of course in my decision making.
Just want to close by saying that Never regret anything in life that made you smile even for a second in your life. Look back only for good memories. Don't make you life a project that have a cost-benefit analysis.
Keep smiling!! Keep Laughing!! and ya..Keep Living!!


  1. my god.. such an amazing thought.
    "Never regret anything in life that made you smile even for a second in your life"... just beautiful..

  2. Good...
    It seems you have a good writing capability and this blog is one of them.

  3. i am totally agree with you ankita...i have faced it too.but now i am happy more then i was ever been.
