Monday, August 23, 2010


Ooh lala la!!I am really happy today because of many reasons.
Maybe because I got an extended weekend or maybe i got some pleasant surprises like a call from my darling friend. Looking at the past is lovely yet sad, joyful yet a little low. Oh i miss my old times a lot. The innocence, the silly fights, the attitude of not hurting other and caring overly about it, the craziness about getting clicked rather being on the other side, the madness of dancing non-stop in those DJ nights during fest, the weekend trips, spending time in canteen together and having those samosa, pulling each other's leg, discussing about the love life(doesn't matter whosoever it was) and commenting on it, late night chats, fighting over the last spoon of maggi and what not. These things are making me nostalgic and i am sure it would be making you too. These things make us realize of a beautiful life yesterday which passed so comfortably with the lovely (sometimes they do get devilish :P) friends. I miss them a lot who used to change my facial expression from :-( to :-). My four years of graduation was much way easier than these two years of killing post graduation with the best of best friends.
Love you all. Thanks for making me a part of your life. :))))))

1 comment:

  1. Nice work bringing those nostalgic memories back.....Sure wud want to live those again..

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