Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Secret

Few days back, i watched a documentary called the Secret. I really liked it and want to share the learnings that i took from it though i didn't understand much about the secret of being happy, secret of being prosperous and the secret of living life but watching it gave me some peace.

The secret in a nutshell can be briefed as:

The secret is the law of attraction which is the greatest law in the universe (I know many of you must be wondering how? people generally relate law of attraction only for relationship, so read further to know more). We are a magnet and the thoughts are the one that are attracted to us. Whatever happens even is a cause of the law of attraction which is the strongest law in the universe. Universe is a Jenie (refer the story of Alladin) who is always ready to grant our wishes, we just need to be passionate about the wish.

Our thoughts are guided by Our feelings. If we are feeling bad about something then we must do something that will make us feel good like we should listen to music, think about a baby or something that makes us happy and make us feel good because it is ultimately we who create the universe around us as mentioned by great Winston Churchill. We must change our focus from what we don’t want to what we want which is the most important aspect of this law.

How does this law works?

1. 1. Ask which means we need to ask what we need. Making a list of what we want always helps.

2. 2. Answer which implies that are we passionate enough to get the things that we want.

3. 3. Receive which means we need to have an emotional alignment with our wishes.

Universe likes speed. Don’t delay but act. Out of noway a way is made.Martin Luther King has asked us to take the first step in the faith and the things will follow on their own. People wonder that how long is it going to take? The answer to it is to be in alignment with the universe.

We feel stuck with something because we think about it over and over again because majority of thought comes from what we observe. We are nothing but residual to the past actions. What we are the result of what we have thought as mentioned by Budhha. Gratitude shifts our energy and thinking. Focus on what we have and not on what we don’t have. We must feel grateful for what we have. An attitude of gratitude is must for a happy life.

When we visualize then we materialize. We must always and only dwell upon the end results. It’s the feeling that create internal thought. Feel the joy and happiness. Universe always says “your wish is my command”, we just need to show passion for it. We must have a vision point, we will receive it sooner or later maybe after 5 yrs but we will for sure.

Albert Einstein Quoted "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life coming attractions." He was s true in his sayings

Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve. When we have inspired thought we have to trust it and act on it.

Don’t tell you want money, tell how much of money do you want. Quantify the list of your desires. Have a specific goal in your life.

Have an attitude of "Oh if you can do, why can't I?". Don't just run after money because money is not wealth but a part of wealth. So don’t earn it at stake of relationship. Go for inner peace and inner vision first and then go for the outer world. We must ask this question to us that do we treat ourselves the way we want other people to treat us? So, we must have a healthy respect for ourselves. We must orient ourselves to the best part of people who surrounds us rather than being complainant. Having a potential to feel good is a key to a peaceful life. We are the only one who creates our reality. We must have a caliber of Self healing and we must be emotionally stable to be healthy. We must not keep talking about our disease as we are creating more disease by thinking about it.

Have a difference between fearful and hopeful recovery. Stress degrade the body. Try to get inspired from Moriss Goodman, the miracle man who survived a airplane crash with his strong will and determination to live.

What we resist will always persist.

We are here to create our own world that we chose and allow others to chose their own. Fear of lack, greed and stringiness become experience. We all don’t want the same thing like experience, clothing or whatever. We all have a different choice.

We must believe it, see it, act for it, it will surely show up for us. We must do the best to ignore the things that we don’t want. Everything in the universe is energy. We have the potential and power to create our own world. 85% of family are dysfunctional which means their is always some problem that don't keep our family 100% family. It may be a health issue, relationship issue or anything. So, we must not feel bad about it.

"Whether you think you can or you can’t the either way you are right",Henry Ford.

Think about positive words like Joy,love,happiness,freedom,laughter.

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were walls",Joseph Campbell. If we don’t feel good about something just let it go. There is nothing that we can’t do. We are here because we wanted to be here.

I know this things seems good when we study or watch but implementing in life is tough. The one who implements it always remains happy and leads a prosperous life while others read it, appreciate it and then forget about it as life moves on. Its on you to decide whether you want to fall in the first category or the second one. I certainly want to be the first one and will try hard for it!!

1 comment:

  1. awesomely beautiful thoughts!!!
    thanks for sharing them.. :)
