Friday, November 20, 2009

My First Blog

well just wondering y m i writing about luv...effects of '2 states' or m i really feeling it...
Is it about missing it about caring for someone ..
is it about giving the first priority to someone in your lyf ..
or is it about making someone your lyf...
wat is luv?
i keep wondering is this truly luv tat we feel for someone special in our lyf...the feeling is so pure...if this is luv then y do we fall for more than one ppl..y do we move frwd in lyf nd fall for ppl who care for us leaving the ppl nd their memories for whom we cared...y is everyone more interested in getting luv rather than giving it without any expectations..
the classical theories of luv talks about sacrifices and 100% dedication...but is it applicable in this modern fast moving it is not..everyone needs a companionship...
look around u..u"ll find ppl who says they r madly in luv...but do they even mean it...infact even they don't knw abt it..but dis is wat we call crazy..we luv sumone nd we don't know y?
there is no ans to it...y do we luv only tat particular person..y do we expect from the 'same' person...frankly i feel there is no ans to anything in this world that concerns you..u"ll hv solution to evry problem to ur frnd but wen it cums to u,u simply bcum blank abt it...something keeps happening in ur u think u r controlling u think u hv decided whom to luv nd whom not...y do we look those specific qualities in the special person though many must be possesing...
i"ll call it DESTINY...just look at me...i was talking about luv and now from where the word destiny has intervened in between...well ya its all about destiny...lucky are those ppl who r luved nd who luv the 'same' person...
we keep moving forward in lyf thinking tat we"ll remember only the gud memories..lyf seems beautiful at times but is it really beautiful...
i knw i hv deviated from the topic...luv and lyf goes hand in hand...luv is makes u fills u with cn do anythng and everythng...luv is beautiful nd it really is if u find someone who luvs u more than anything(yes m talking abt priorities..)..luv make ur lyf worth living for...10 yrs down the line...
will the grades scored by u would matter...will the boring lectures would matter...or will the 'khadus' boss at ur workplace matter...
no they will not...wat will matter is the luv around u...sumone arnd u who makes u feel spcl...sumone whu cn die for mkng u smile..
yes sumone whu luvs u truly madly nd deeply nd whu makes the world around u beautiful and cozy..
well just wantd to say tat i hvn't read the whole novel will continue further once i complete it..i blv my opinion wud not chng...


  1. Well quite an interesting thought. The Irony is that the human tendency appreciates love, then admires it and then when it is with you, you take it for granted and move ahead in life to achieve your next goal, and in trying that sometimes the love sadly fades. And one fine day when you are revamping those memories in your flash back, you feel, gosh those were the days. but then it was you who chose to redirect your life in some other way then. So its of paramount importance that we appreciate that love forever and hold your loved ones intact even when the situation demands on prioritizing. Only then the success satisfies the palate. Nicely written. Welcome to the blog world.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i would rather say its preferences and convinience which makes everyone almost 90% to prefer job or familey over love.but i think its type of consevative thinking too.if ppl would not change the trend who else is going to die for love.anyways i am not saying to die for it rather make it simple and try to do best in ur abilities till there is no no no no other option and u know what,"IF THERE IS WILL THERE IS WAY".
    anyways i liked whatever thought you have puttogether in this i have experienced most of this thing and went very very low sumwhere in my,i can feel what it is actually.
