Friday, November 27, 2009

LOVE..continued i finally finished my novel today..ya rite..the"2 states" that i was talking about in my first people might be wondering why did i take so much time to complete was not boring..the hectic MBA schedule didn't allow me to do so..haha..
I am happy to complete it now..the story was full of emotions..i even had a tough time holding my exposed me to the feeling of love that we kinda ignore when we grow-up..
ya..i am talking about the love that our parents have for us.."THE LOVE WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS"...the love that we don't even realize..we become so self-centred with the time we grow..we forget the hands that taught us to walk..we forget the motivation behind that make us to walk through the life..ya we forget about the pain that our mommy and daddy goes through while bringing us up without expecting anything from us...ya they do get conservative about us falling in love with someone else in the world..but they are the one who will always stand behind us even when the whole world would be against us..that is called love without expectations that holds true even in this fast moving world..we move much forward leaving behind the memories,the love and care that our parents have for us and giving the love to someone else in the world..the 'someone special' this anyway wrong? is meant to be given rather to keep in your heart but we should have a balance for it..we must not forget that we are not meant to make the one smile but also to the people who made you smile throughout your life..who has succumbed to your silliest wishes..
ok..i got little carried away..i must tell what happened in the story(though many of you must have known about it)...ya it was his dad who made the marriage possible...the same dad he hated for the whole life...
oh ya my opinion didn't change much but i can see the love from a different persepctive can be without expectation too..its all around just need to feel it and give back..
miss u daddy..miss u mommy..

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