Thursday, October 21, 2010


With the all uncertainties happening in life at the same time, i pondered over some issues and thought to write it down.

Was just pondering over the caliber each one of us have. People tend to feel inferior, undeserving during their rough phase. Truly speaking no one can ever make you feel inferior and undeserving without your consent. Its in you, its in me, its in everyone that makes us feel what we are. It is not the world who can make us feel our worth without our consent. Self-motivation is the key to your success and happiness.

People fear moving ahead in the life because of some or the other dilemma they face in their life. People tend to blame the outer world for creating such dilemma for them but if we think hard we can interpret that it is not the external situations that create these hardships but it is in you and your thoughts that causes such issues. Never forget the word "CONSENT". Its in you who will make you superior or inferior, strong or weak, positive or negative.

Feel good about yourself, have a gratitude towards what you have. Though outer world play some role in shaping up your life but ultimately its you who leads the life. I know we always try to lead our life but find that it is the life that leads us. It doesn't mean that we should give up but should keep trying until we succeed. I know these words are only good to sound but are hard to implement. I am going through such rough phase and is trying hard to implement and want everyone to maintain their cool in their rough phase.
Its in us, our thoughts and our ATTITUDE that shapes our lives and help us to keep moving forward no matter what is destined for us.
Be happy,be calm and Keep flying!!