Thursday, September 30, 2010


A person carrying negativism in her blood is talking about positivity.
People tell i am " B Positive" but are they really positive about life.

I am " O Negative" and i can proudly say that being positive in an environment full of negative and weak people is my strength. Those were the days of my graduation times when i used to think what would i reply to my interviewer if he/she asks "what are your strengths and weaknesses?" and now are the days when i have learnt about my biggest strength of being positive in life and keep moving forward. No matter how weak the situation is try to look for the strengths in you rather than blaming the external conditions.

You must be wondering why i am in a lecturing mode today. I don't know what MBA has taught to people but to me it has the taught the lesson of being positive and maintaining your cool in the adverse situations. The placement season has begun for the high scorers and will began for me very soon. I have taken this very positively while i have seen people getting broken on a shortlist of just a single company. We all need to grow. A company's shortlist may disappoint you but there are other companies who think you are worth even you have not proven a 10/10 in the academics.

Positivity with patience always pays off. The way to success is easy for some and difficult for others but it is OPEN TO ALL. So keep you calm, hold yourself, enhance your strengths and knowledge and just be ready to kick off whenever you get the opportunity. Don't think about the lost opportunities rather think about the future prospects. This strengths are not inherited when you are born but yes they do reflect about the people you are surrounded with. I really feel lucky to have great parents who had never pressurized me to perform and thus helped me to grow with a feeling that nothing can end your world. If we believe we can. Everything happens for some reason. If you don't get it now with ease you will surely get it later in your life.

Let me tell about my profile. A MBA in finance, fresher, no great percentage to boast about, not a great communicator but i have the positive attitude, analytical thinking, patience and my motivational parents and i know i will succeed very soon and will update you all about it.

Just remember everything passes by no matter how good or bad it is.
So live Life with a smile. Don't forget your smile makes your family and dear ones smile.