Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Good Old Times!!

Oops..I again took a long break to write. I really had a good time during my internship with lots of sweet and some sour experiences, got to know people more. The time changed my equations with people. The time made me learnt to be more patient, to be more cool in the scorching heat of Hyderabad, showed me the technicalities involved in impressing your boss in the office which taught me that its not only your skills and talent that helps you in impressing your boss but its about the networking that counts for almost 80% and ya finally the internship taught me to cross few roads.

Well that was about the time i had. I would like to share my current time. I am back to the Campus again and i feel same as i used to feel in my days of first semester. Yes, I am talking about feeling lonely, missing home and some new add-ons like missing my old hostel room, my mess though i got a better mess this time, the hectic schedule that i used to have. I miss everything about my first year, the time of internship. I know i am going to love this time too, i would love my new room, my new mess and everything new about this second year at the campus sooner or later.

But the above thoughts provoke me to think why don't we realize the importance in present time rather than treasuring it for the later moments. I still remember how i used to wait for the end of my fourth year in my days but when i had to leave, i left with tears in my eyes. It is rightly said time is the greatest gift that anyone can give. The current time gives you pleasure but the good old times give you memories which can bring tears in your eyes and smile on your face. Time flies by when you are surrounded by fresh air full of love and care. Not only we get attached to the living beings around us but we also get attached to the non-living things around us. Can you tell why this happens? why, we humans are blessed with a excellent memory retention that may cause pain to your heart and at the same time can bring happiness to you. I just love this thing about being a human. That is the emotional part of me.

Well i hope i would be back soon with the new memories and affection for everything new around me and then also i will say that i treasure my good old times which i am not liking now.Till then you people enjoy your time no matter how bad or good it is because you will treasure that time and memories forever.