Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I was reminded by one of my friend recently that i owe a blog..I was just wondering that why i have not written anything on my blog since days..was that i had nothing to write,nothing to share or nothing eventful was happening around me..i have nothing great to write..
will just share my new life to you...

Yes the life..the SIP life..the summer internship life...the college says it is a part of curriculum as they want us to have a exposure to corporate world..but truly speaking this is a exposure to real life..the exposure to life which is not full of facilities,not much of fun as we had in college...the life which makes us realize that how important the college peaceful life is..

Well the day starts with the feeling that "oh no..aaj fir se office..college rehta to bunk to kar sakte the"...the worst part is that you cannot bunk the office..then getting ready..rushing for breakfast..infact the pathetic food which i have started eating for survival...how much i miss my mess food now..the food that we used to curse...again it made us realize the importance of college ka aaram wala life..ohh..then the painful journey to office by the overloaded buses of hyderabad which stops after every 2 mins..i don't know why do people even travel through these overloaded buses which is thrice as full as its capacity..reached office...oh no again its late..go and do the job which seems not at all beneficial..curse the people who landed me there and do the work...oh my god i miss my college life..attending those boring lectures were a easier task..again rush for the tasteless food..."khao lo because bhukh lag rhi hai"...back to office....then back again in the overloaded bus in the hot summer...oh i again curse hyderabad and says that i don't wanna live here...i want a healthy life and a healthy skin too..:P
The day has already passed..spend some time with friends..the relaxing time of the day..some chatting,some phone calls,some net surfing...and ya some for the project too...and the day is over...sleep now with the heavy feeling "kya yaar kal fir se office"...
weekdays passed...office on saturday too...oho..hold on...i don't wait for sundays...washing clothes..oops..watching some muvi...the day passes again alarming for monday again...i count the weeks then...waiting for the 14th week to come soon..

Well this was my SIP life..the life that alarms me about the life i would be having after one year..the life after college..the life that makes me think about the smallest issues too...the life that makes me realize the importance of my current life which is full of facilities ,full of fun and without any responsibilities..i hope this exposure will make me ready for the life..the life full of competition...infact the Real Life..wish me luck guys...