Saturday, December 19, 2009


oh..oh..oh...Finance,marketing,HR is almost at crossroads..mind says to go for grades asks me to go for marketing and people around suggesting me for HR..what should i do..i am unable to decide..does any of the subjects interests me..infact i think they don't..sometimes i feel what i am doing in my MBA... i can't decide..time is flying by..few days left to select...i just ponder why am i always so confused..why do i always leave my major decisions on the "life" itself..people say about leading their lives..why can't i do that..why do my life lead there something wrong with my attitude..but it does not matter till i feel i am happy..but people call it crazy when someone don't know what they exactly desire of their life..same is the case with me..i have never known what i want..things go on happening and i just accept it and i am happy the way i am living my life but how long is this going to help me..this has not happened with me for the first time and i am sure this must have happened with all of you atleast once in the life that you find yourself at crossroads..where you have to choose among many options and you don't know what is the best for you..
i remember the days when i used to ask my mom to select a dress for me because i used to be so confused..and still i am the same ..but this time it is not a small issue..ohh i know i am bugging you all people..
time will fly never leaves you with memories and the CROSSROADS...i just remember the final year of i never thought regarding higher studies but time made me do it..oh..again into the depressing world of books,lectures,exams and add-ons like cases,class lead me..and its till leading..and i even want it to lead me..and will always want the same..atleast it keeps me free from all tensions..but in long run is this going to help..when i will have to take some major decisions of my life or will the same happen again with favourite word "destiny" will surely intervene in between..and i"ll again say that everything is destined...and it will be destiny if i will be a finance manager,marketing or a HR manager...guys do suggest...i want to cross my road...